GMS Distance Learning Plan & Goals

Distance Learning Plan
Remote learning will continue as mandated by the North Carolina State Governor due to COVID-19.Remote learning is learning that occurs outside a traditional school setting. GMS converted all instruction to remote learning immediately. The 3rdquarter was completed as indicated on 2019-2020 calendar. Remote learning will be focused on supporting specially designed instruction and making good faith efforts towards the continuation of students’ progress towards their IEPs. Progress will be monitored through meaningful feedback to promote student growth. Instruction will align with course materials and IEP goals and objectives. Staff will document student communication and progress for each student. Staff will continue to plan, prepare, implement, and monitor student learning throughout this time. Materials are being delivered via digital platforms such as Canvas and/or packets are prepared and mailed home to families.
Distance Learning Goals
The goal of GMS’s Remote Learning is to continue engaging students in the progress of their IEP goals and to support our students well-being. Teachers and staff will work to provide individualized instruction for each student focused on IEP goals and the continuation of the learning process. Our goal is to also use this time to strengthen the relationships between teachers, students, and our students' families. We recognize the unique challenges this model of learning has on our students and their families. Our goal as a school is to first, understand, and second, support each family through instruction, resources, and technology.Our focus throughout this time will be on student and family engagement. GMS has created ways for students and families to connect to support emotional and social health alongside our instructional opportunities.