GMS Parent Community Committee » GMS PCC Structure

GMS PCC Structure

The PCC is a program of the GMS Foundation (GMF) and is subject to its bylaws and oversight.

The PCC has a separate bank account and financial accounting, under the supervision of the Treasurer of the GMF.


The PCC has an Executive Committee consisting of the officers of the PCC - a Program Chair, Program Vice Chair, Secretary, Assistant Treasurer, and Newsletter/Communications Director – plus the Principal of GMS, the Director of GMS or his or her designated representative, one student and other Committee members as determined by the PCC Committee. Chairpersons of sub-committees and of the active special committees may be invited to attend Executive Committee Meetings that pertain to their Committee. Only members on the Membership Roster may serve on the Executive Committee.

Standing committees: Standing committees are committees with on-going functions that continue throughout the year. The three initial Standing Committees are –

  1. Fundraising Committee (This includes the “Boxtops for Education” and “Office Depot’s Toner Cartridge Recycling” program,
  2. Computer Placement, and
  3. Community Outreach and Special Programs.

Other committees may be added as necessary. Each committee chairperson shall present the committee's plans to the Committee prior to execution of the same.